Home Owner Association

Home Owner Association security pain points

Complaints • Cost • Liability • Quality

Access improperly controlled, cars destroying lawns, garbage problems, vandalism, complaints, expensive security, lawsuits, insurance cases, too much administration... ​

We solve your problems!

With our off-site guards constantly monitoring the property, unwanted activity will be stopped and immediately reported, saving enormous energy and time for the Home Owner Association (HOA). You will know when its happening and who is responsible. No crime or damage will be unattended.  


  • Safe and controlled property

  • Improved relationships with law enforcement

  • Decreased wasted time

  • Decreased complaints

  • Decreased insurance costs

  • Decreased HOA liability

Our off-site guard protection starts at £395 per month

Ask for a free consultation

85 Great Portland Street
Marylebone, London, W1W 7LT


+ 44 (800) 1026999

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